About Us

About the AWM

The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) is a non-profit organization founded in 1971.  The AWM currently has more than 3500 members (women and men) representing a broad spectrum of the mathematical community — from the United States and around the world!

Since its founding in 1971 by a small but passionate group of women mathematicians, the AWM has grown into a leading society for women in the mathematical sciences, and is one of the societies comprising the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences.

The mission of the AWM is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences.

The AWM sponsors a wide variety of exciting programs that encourage girls and women to study mathematics and have active careers in the mathematical sciences. Your purchase on this site will help these important programs continue and grow. In addition to the Programs and Awards, the AWM supports activities that seek to change the profession, to welcome more women at all levels and help to anchor them in the community. Our Policy and Advocacy work includes pushing for a Anti-Harrassment Policies at conferences, and Advocating on Capitol Hill. The ADVANCE Grants support  subject-specific research networks to grow and expand the profession, and to put women in positions where they can move to leadership roles.

About Our Shirts

Our shirts are all printed by Ascott Corporation.  

Ascott Corporation is Ann Arbor's oldest t-shirt manufacturer, thoughtfully providing hand printed garments for over 45 years. Their owner, Marcia Appell, and garment printer (and resident artist) Dan McDonald provide quality work for many local business and institutions.

They are excited to be printing for AWM, and AWM is proud to support this woman-owned business.